Project: “Protecting the Red-necked Goose (Branta ruficollis)“
Title: Protection of the red-throated species, Branta ruficollis, on the migration route.
Project promoter: The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds.
Partners: The Romanian Ornithological Society (Romania)
General Association of Sport Hunters and Fishermen in Romania (Romania) Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests Romania Tuzlovski Natural Park (Ukraine) Nature Reserve – Black Earth – Kalmikya (Russia)
Working group for gases and rates in northern Eurasia (Russia)
Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
4. The geographical area of application in Romania:
- ROSPA0031 Danube Delta Razim Sinoe
- ROSPA0004 Baltic Alba-Amara-Jirlau
- ROSPA0051 Calarasi Iezarul
- ROSPA0059 Lake Strachina
- ROSPA0111 Bertesti de sus-Gura Ialomitei
- Balta Mica Natural Park in Braila (ROSPA0005, ROSCI0006)
5. The main activities of the application:
- Monitoring of expenses by installing satellite transmitters;
- Evaluation of the pressure exerted by hunting and identification of threats in key areas for the species;
- Creating safe areas for the species in Kazakhstan and Romania;
- Reduction of disturbance caused by poaching by patrols.
6. The budget proposed for the Administration of the Balta Mică Natural Park of Braila (PN-BmB) as a partner in the project has the following structure:
- Personnel expenses: 22,025 Euro – representing 100% co-financing of the PN-BmB ground floor;
- Transport costs: 24,190 Euro – Life financing, insures the expense of fuel for boats and a car that will be purchased also within the project, as well as subsistence expenses – daily, etc.-;
- Expenditure with external assistance (activities to be carried out by third parties by awarding public procurement contracts): 17.140Euro-financing Life, ensures the financing of two types of activities:
1) 11,140 Euro for repairing Chirchinețu and Milea dams in order to limit people’s access to lakes and to reduce the phenomenon of hunting poaching,
2) 6,000 Euros for activities to promote the park and the project.
- Expenses with equipment proposed to be purchased by PN-BmB within the application reach the value of 27,100 Euro. The equipment consists of:
- 4 * 4 car worth 17,400 Euro – partially LIFE financing, 3,000 Euro co-financing
- 1,500 Euro boat,
- Three boat engines worth 7,200 Euro
- 1 GPS worth 1,000 Euros.
Of the total amount of 27,100 Euro, the co-financing represents 3,000 Euro and the Life financing reaches the value of 24,100 Euro.
- Other costs: 3,000 Euro – LIFE financing, ensures maintenance for the equipment previously purchased (cars and boats);
- Overhead costs: 6,541 Euro – LIFE financing, represents a percentage of 7% of the eligible expenses destined for the expenses that could not have been initially planned.
Total project: 99,996 Euro of which co-financing 25,025 Euro – 22,025 Euro consisting of personnel costs and 3,000 Euro effective co-financing for equipment.
7. Activities of the Administration of the Balta Mica Natural Park of Braila within the Project:
- Purchase of equipment.
- Conducting monitoring and patrolling activities in November – March for a period of 5 years in order to reduce the anthropic pressure on the species. The personnel involved in this activity will be represented by a number of 3 rangers and a designated person from the central administration. The patrols will be executed with boats and 4 * 4 cars.
- Writing progress reports for the activities carried out and financial reports.
- Repair of the stables and privations Chirchinețu and Milea in order to limit the access to the lake area during November-March and to limit the phenomenon of hunting/ poaching.
- Promoting the park, the project and implicitly the species by creating some info-advertising materials (flyers with the presentation of the species in order to raise awareness of the local population and hunters, custom T-shirts).