
Project: Elaboration of the integrated management plan for Natura 2000 sites ROSCI0290 Ialomitei Corridor, ROSPA0152, Ialomitei Corridor and the Alexeni Forest Nature Reserve (III.2.). Code MySMIS 119609

Project co-financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020.

The TOTAL VALUE of the Financing Agreement is 4,599,057.35 lei, of which 3,909,198.75 lei is the eligible non-reimbursable value from the ERDF.

Project implementation timeline: 13.08.2018 – 31.12.2020.

Project promoter: RNP ROMSILVA – Balta Mică Natural Park Administration of Braila

Project partners: Transilvania University of Brașov, Ialomița Environmental Protection Agency

Specific objectives of the project:

  1. Elaboration of the Management Plan for Natura 2000 sites ROSCI0290 Ialomitei Corridor, ROSPA0152 Ialomitei Corridor and Alexeni Forest Nature Reserve, through a transparent, consultative and participative process, in accordance with the legislation in force.
  2. Increasing the level of information, education and awareness of the stakeholders regarding the values, role and importance of Natura 2000 sites ROSCI0290 Ialomite Corridor, ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor and the Alexeni Forest nature reserve, highlighting the concept of local sustainable development: viable economic development environmental protection and maintaining / achieving the objectives of favorable conservation of natural ecosystems, species and habitats of national and community interest.
  3. Development of the capacity of the Natura 2000 site manager ROSCI0290 Ialomita Corridor, ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor and the Alexeni Forest Nature Reserve, in order to ensure its proper management.

Project description:

In order to achieve the general objective, specific activities are provided with the purpose of solving the problems reported at the level of the protected natural areas concerned, correlated with the specific objectives proposed, namely:

– Elaboration of the Management Plan for Natura 2000 sites ROSCI0260 Ialomita Corridor, ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor and the Alexeni Forest nature reserve;

– Information, publicity, awareness and consultation activities of the target group;

– Capacity development of the management structure of Natura 2000 sites ROSCI0260 Ialomitei Corridor, ROSPA0152 Ialomitei Corridor and the Alexeni Forest nature reserve;

– Project management (planning, implementation and monitoring / evaluation of activities);

– Financial audit of the project.

Development of the management framework for the protected natural areas from the project and implementation of the main activities: inventory, mapping, elaboration of special measures for the conservation of species and natural habitats, elaboration of the management plan, preparation of specific studies, carrying out information and awareness campaigns of the public, sessions of training of the factors directly / indirectly involved in the management of the protected natural areas that are the object of the project, will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Operational Program Great Infrastructure (POIM) 2014-2020, respectively promoting the conservation measures of biodiversity according to the Framework Priority Actions for Natura 2000, the European Strategy for Biodiversity 2020 and with the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation 2014 – 2020.


ROSCI0290 Ialomite corridor

Area: 27 109 ha

The site represents the most important ecological corridor that crosses Baragan Plain, which develops from west to east, linking the Subcarpathians and the Danube Plain, Ialomita being the only alohton river in the Baragan Plain. In this way, Ialomita and its main branches Prahova and Teleajenul – connect the Danube meadow with the forest and hilly plains area, crossing the driest area of ​​the country – Baragan Plain.

The site is particularly important in terms of the habitats specific to the meadows of the big rivers that it shelters – meadow slopes with pedunculated oak, poplar and willow ditches, vegetation of watercourses and shores, communities of highgrass grasses, low altitude grasslands, but also through the specific vegetation of the steppe terraces that border the meadow – ponto-sarmatic bushes, steppe meadows, etc., as well as through the fauna species existing here – beaver, etc.

ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor

Area: 25 307.9 ha

Natura 2000 site ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor has been declared a special avifaunistic protection area by G.D. no. 663/2016. The site ROSPA0152 Ialomita Corridor presents a complete overlap with Natura 2000 site ROSCI0290 Ialomita Corridor

The site consists of the Ialomiţa Valley corridor, downstream from the confluence with the Prahova River, up to the confluence with the Danube, to which is added in the upstream part of the Prahova River corridor, downstream from the town of Cocorastii, and the Telejean river, downstream from the Coslegi locality, as well as from a series of forest bodies located on the terraces / intersections on the right side of the Ialomiţa River.

Alexeni forest

Alexeni Forest is a protected area of ​​national interest that corresponds to the 4th category IUCN (natural forest type reserve) located in Ialomiţa county, on the administrative territory of Alexeni commune. The natural area is located in the northwestern part of Ialomita county, on the eastern territory of Alexeni locality, in the immediate vicinity of the national road DN2A that connects the municipality of Slobozia with the village of Lumina.

The natural reserve, spread over an area of ​​37 hectares, was declared a protected area by GD 2151 of November 30, 2004, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 38 of January 12, 2005 (regarding the establishment of the natural area regime for new areas) and represents a natural area in the area of ​​which some centuries old species of trees (with impressive ages and dimensions) of oak (Quercus robur), declared monuments of nature, vegetate.

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